Growing up as an only child has many perks. I was always the focus on my parents’ attention, I had all of my own stuff, own space, and when a family decision had to be made, I always felt like my opinion was heard and, more often than not, given serious consideration. Sure, there were… Read more »
Tag: sleepaway camp
How Camp Helped Me Live A Balanced Life

Before I went to camp, if you were to ask the adults in my life to describe me in one word, they would probably say “focused” or “disciplined” or “passionate.” This would be their nice way of saying I focus on one thing and one thing only, my grades. Now of course this makes my… Read more »
Going on a Hike… More than Just Good Exercise!

When you hear the words “summer camp,” you probably think of three things right away: campfires, friendship — and nature. Without any of these essential elements, camp just wouldn’t be the same. Spending much-needed “digital detox” time in the woods is what brings many of us back year after year, so it’s no surprise that… Read more »
Friendship at America’s Finest Summer Camps
Written by Ornella Vecchio When my dad told me about Camp for the first time, it took me a while to understand what he was really talking about. In the ‘70s Italy was a far away place. Colour television was the big technological advance of that year and a weekly direct flight to New York… Read more »
5 Ways international camps expand camper horizons
Summer camp is already super fun. So as you can probably imagine, adding international campers and counselors to the mix turns up the fun-dial even higher! …But international camp isn’t just the same camp activities and friendships with a few exotic accents thrown into the mix. The secret sauce that makes international camp so special… Read more »
El campamento cambió a mi hijo
Me sentía nerviosa y emocionada de enviar a mi hijo Connor a America´s Finest Summer Camps este año. Su mejor amigo había asistido a un campamento de verano antes y no podía parar de hablar sobre él. Así que después de mucha investigación y discusiones, hemos decidido permitir a Connor pasar el verano afuera. No… Read more »
La colonie de vacances a changé mon enfant
J’étais à la fois stressée et excitée d’envoyer mon fils Connor cet été dans une des meilleures colonies de vacances des Etats-Unis. Le meilleur ami de Connor était allé en colonie de vacances l’été d’avant et n’arrêtait pas d’en chanter les louanges. Alors après de nombreuses recherches et discussions, nous avons décidé de laisser Connor… Read more »
How to make cool shadow animals with your flashlight!
As night falls over America’s Finest Summer Camps, the loud and crazy activities of the day give way to the whispered and wonderful activities of the evening. Bedtime stories, chilled-out card games, and friendly chatter fill the hour between returning inside and falling asleep. As a camp counselor, you will always need plenty of fun, surprising… Read more »
Lights! Camera! Action!
I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and I felt like I was going to throw up. I could hear the whispers of my fellow campers just behind the curtain, and I became absolutely certain that this was a very very bad idea. And then, like slow motion, the curtain lifted and… Read more »
Sailing the high seas… or the camp lake!
Camp is filled with activities that allow you to learn new skills and test your limits. Perhaps one of the most unique activities here at America’s Finest Summer Camps when it come to having a blast and building character is sailing. Sailing teaches many skills; how to tie nautical knots, understand the weather, and… Read more »