Connecting at Camp When you strip everything away, it’s connection that we crave, isn’t it? I know that is what our new campers want to start right now. They just want to find a friend. And our returners come back for one reason: to rekindle the connections they love so much. At camp, we remove… Read more »
Tag: camp friends
Three Reasons Why Campers Love Camp Laurel
Children are gearing up for the final push in the school year. College students are finishing up projects and studying for finals. If you couldn’t hear the buzz in the air signaling summer right around the corner, here are some extra reasons camp people are getting excited for this summer. Friends During the school year,… Read more »
Friendships Growing Between New Campers As The Days Go By

Many things inevitably grow over the course of the summer: the grass, your height, and of course, everyone’s love for camp skyrockets to new levels. As the days roll by, the most noticeable growth and developments are the prospering friendships between new campers. First introductions are made by playing games where campers can discover… Read more »
What did YOU do this summer?
“Okay, who wants to tell me what they did over the summer?” A teachers asks a classroom full of nervous students on the first day of school. She hears about trips to the Grand Canyon, a few kids spent a week at the beach, and a lot just respond with “nothing.” But then there… Read more »
What I learned about friendship from the social life at camp
You know that “first day of school” feeling? I’m sure you do. Some people love it while others may find it a little scary. The chance to explore a new place, try new things, and make new friends can be simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. How about that “first day of camp” feeling? I’m going to… Read more »
Finding Your Voice at Camp
Although most campers leave camp an excited, talkative and outgoing ball of energy, not all of them come to camp that way. Camp has a magical way of taking a quiet and introverted child and encouraging them to find their voice and speak up for themselves. Children who came to camp as followers can emerge… Read more »
Playing Outside at Camp!
Attention kids: If you’re still trying to find ways to convince your parents to send you to one of America’s Finest Summer Camps, you’re in the right place! You’ve worked hard in school; maintained good grades, stayed out of trouble (for the most part) picked up extra chores around the house, and have left pictures of… Read more »
The Purpose of Attending One of America’s Finest Summer Camps
Attending one of America’s Finest Summer Camps can be a fun experience for your child. Not only does it provide a plethora of activities, it also allows children to learn different aspects of life. Summer camp is a unique experience for children. A Fun Place to Be A summer camp is an offseason gathering of… Read more »
My Bunk
While I am now surrounded by the comforts of home, I would gladly give them all up again just to be back at camp, sleeping in my bunk. I must admit that the first few days of falling asleep in a quiet room, sleeping in my own bed, and waking up without bugles ringing in… Read more »
Bringing Away Life Skills
For most campers, when the summer of 2014 draws to a close, there is always next summer to which they can look forward. For the oldest campers, however, farewell this summer means farewell forever to their years as campers. Even though a significant number of former campers choose to return to summer camp as staff… Read more »