Tag: benefits of summer camp

Re-asserting the “Team” in Team Sports

Whether your family lives in a large city or a small town, there is likely not a shortage of organized sports  for children. Increasingly, the emphasis of team sports is less about what it means to be a member of a team and more about being the MVP of a winning team.   As a result,… Read more »

Camp Senses

The unseasonably warm and pleasant weather seems to be bringing on summer faster.  The flowers are blooming, the birds are back, and the days are sunny. It’s hard not to take advantage of the opportunity to prematurely engage in all of one’s favorite summer activities a little bit.  The other day, my sisters and I… Read more »

Ora è il momento di iniziare a scegliere un campo estivo

Non è troppo presto per cominciare a pensare a mandare i figli al campo estivo la prossima estate. Non vi è certamente carenza di campi estivi americani e trovare quella giusta per i vostri bambini è essenziale per il loro successo lì. C’è molto a cui pensare, il che rende il momento giusto per cominciare… Read more »

The Joy of Quiet

The guest blog this week is courtesy of Camp Laurel: A recent New York Times story calmly – but strongly — extolled “the joy of quiet.” Essayist Pico Iyer noted that the average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day. (Parents, don’t shake your heads: The average office worker spends no more… Read more »

The Social Network–Summer Camp Style!

Our guest blog this week is courtesy of Patrick at Camp Starlight… If most Camp Starlight campers were asked to close their eyes and think about camp, their minds would be flooded with memories of times in the bunk, at campfires with their friends, winning a Wayne County game, or shaking their napkin in the dining hall…. Read more »

C’est l’heure de choisir une colonie de vacances

Les feuilles tombent des arbres et le temps commence à se rafraîchir, mais il n’est pas trop tôt pour commencer à réfléchir où vous enverrez vos enfants en colonie de vacances l’été prochain. Les colonies de vacances aux États-Unis ne manquent pas et trouver le bon endroit pour vos enfants est essentiel à leur succès…. Read more »

Three Steps to Joy

For the holidays, we’re featuring an aptly themed guest blog  about “joy” written by Cole Kelly, Director of Camp Weequahic: As school lets out and families spend time together at the end of each year, we spend a lot of time wishing ‘Joy’ to one another. It is a joyful occasion, is it not? Parents… Read more »

Try Something New at Summer Camp

Weequahic is one of the best sleepaway camps in Pennsylvania, we offer a traditional co-ed summer camp experience, soccer, roller hockey, theater, etc–others are learning how to clear a ramp with their boards in the new skate park that made its debut in the summer of 2011 and instantly became one of the most popular… Read more »

Summer Camp: The Perfect Holiday Gift

The holiday season is at hand and so many of us find ourselves searching for that perfect present for the children in our lives.  Sure there are Kindles, iPads, and Wiis, but we’re looking for the gift that will last far beyond fads and trends…the one that lasts long after the decorations have been taken… Read more »

Learning Self Reliance at Summer Camp

This week’s guest blog is from Camp Starlight… When the time comes to make the decision about sending a child to summer camp, many parents worry because it will often be the first time their children will be “on their own”.  How will they decide what to wear, what to eat, and in which activity… Read more »