Brant Lake Dance Camp
‘Tis the season!
Sugar Plum Fairies dancing in your head, living room or studio? Whether the performance you’re excited about this Holiday season is one you are dancing in, or one you have tickets to; it’s hard to forget the Soldier Variation Master Class from last summer in our beautiful Studio with Ralph from the New York City Ballet.
I was scoping out #welovedancing while in an airport waiting room this week…it’s wonderful! People are dancing all over the world! From Professional companies in Istanbul, to two guys on a rooftop in India, to a dozen little girls in pink leos and tutus in Columbia, to Fitness dancers in Salvador, to Ballroom Dancers in France…and of course the ubiquitous Nutcracker recitals here in the USA. Dance is a universal language. Every country, every culture, every group has dance. Just like the language of that country, the style of dance may change from place to place but, the joy, freedom and pure human expression is universal.
However you are enjoying your holidays and your dancing this winter, I hope that you also get a smile thinking about how at that very moment, someone elsewhere in the world is dancing too.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy and Joyous Holiday season…and lots of dancing.
With a smile,