Tag: summer camp 2010

The Last Job of Its Kind — Camp Counselor

By now you probably have a pretty good idea about what life is like for campers at summer camps, but there is an entirely different world behind the scenes of summer — the life of a camp counselor. Imagine a job where you can make new friends, participate in fun summer activities and have unique… 자세히보기 »

Getting Connected at Camp: From Txt to Talk

When I was a kid (way back in the mid-70s), keeping in touch with our parents was a hit or miss game. Phones didn’t have answering machines, and if you said you were going to the library with friends, your parents had no real way to check if you were studying or partying. These days,… 자세히보기 »

Camp Weequahic — The Three-Week Camp with the Full Season Experience

“The greatest asset of Camp Weequahic is that we have put together a full traditional camp experience and power packed it into three-weeks,” says Cole Kelly, Camp Weequahic’s co-director. The camp runs two three-week sessions (June 26-July 17 and July 21-August 11 in 2010) and you’ll be amazed at what they manage to to squeeze… 자세히보기 »

Keeping Kids Safe at Camp: What Every Parent Needs to Ask/Know

Even when you are right there next to your child to offer comfort, care and treatment, accidents and injuries can be difficult to deal with. So as we prepare our kids to go to summer camp, it is important to ask some questions of the camp and prepare our children well. That way, everyone can… 자세히보기 »

They’re In Good Hands: Getting Your Children to Summer Camp

Summer camp season 2010 doesn’t start for a few weeks, but if you haven’t made travel arrangements yet, it’s time to start planning! Depending on where you live and the camp your child will attend, you’ll have various transportation options at your disposal. Your first step, however, doesn’t involve calling a travel agent or navigating… 자세히보기 »

The Magic of Starlight

“We want our kids to leave here at the end of the summer never questioning what will happen next year – they know they will come back to Starlight,” says David Miller, the Pennsylvania camp’s director. “There is something special and magical about the Starlight world,” says Miller. Camp Starlight is a full-season (7-week) camp… 자세히보기 »

The Unique Experience of Maine

Camp Laurel “There’s something special about camping in Maine”, says Jem Sollinger, director of Camp Laurel, a traditional camp with unparalleled, modern facilities. Indeed, the landscapes available in Maine are rarely seen elsewhere, and campers can take advantage of everything this amazing state has to offer. Camp Laurel is located along beautiful Echo Lake, with… 자세히보기 »

The Full-Season Camp Experience

Last week we started our discussion of choosing which length of camp is right for your child. Sometimes making that choice is downright easy, especially when it comes to the to the full-season camps. For those children who wish to be at camp for the seven weeks, a full-season camp experience can be an extraordinary… 자세히보기 »

When 3 or 4 Weeks is Just Right

Choosing a camp involves much more than just choosing a location or even the camp with the perfect activities and feel for your child. Camps also come in different sizes, so to speak; depending on how long their sessions are. Sleepaway camps range from two-week to two-month sessions, and choosing which one is best for… 자세히보기 »

Life, Unplugged

I don’t know about you, but my kids are constantly plugged into something, whether they are texting their friends (does anyone talk anymore?), bopping along to Lady Gaga’s latest, updating their Facebook status, researching a school project online and creating a multi-media presentation, or playing games on my iPhone while I desperately try to finish… 자세히보기 »