Laurel South:
Tradition. It’s one of those camp words. It brings forth images of making bracelets, playing games and campfires. All things that go hand-in-hand with every sleepaway camp. But what’s sometimes lost in the talk of tradition is how inspiring it can be. Tradition helps campers feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Camp becomes a second home, and friends become part of a camp family. In short, tradition helps campers feel safe. And camp helps campers feel comfortable taking “safe risks.”

Campers will undoubtedly learn new things each summer. They’ll play new sports, conquer the climbing wall or learn to waterski. But steeped in camp tradition is another thing campers will find: creativity. When children are surrounded by positive reinforcement from their cabinmates and counselors, they move boldly forward with enthusiasm for new ideas. They also learn to communicate and listen effectively, taking in thoughts and guidance from those around them. Children talk endlessly with their friends about ideas, which helps them process steps for making their dreams a reality. It’s the perfect environment for inspiration and innovation. So when it comes to camp-words like “Tradition, Community and Values,” camp people should remember to include “Innovation.”