Tag: sleepaway camp

No Strikes for Campers at Baseball Game

Camp excels in providing campers with the most traditional summer camp experience of their lives, helping campers have all sorts of fun under the sun. While there are many activities and traditions campers can enjoy on campus, there are a few that require sending campers outside and into bigger fields. The Lower Camp was able… 続きを読む »

Ceramics and Woodworking Brings Camp to Home

When campers come to Camp they always brings pieces of home with them, packing pictures, stuffed animals, blankets and all sorts of objects that remind them of home and make them feel safe. Campers bring pieces of home to camp because of how much they love home and want to remember it, so when campers… 続きを読む »

Simple Kindness as a Standard

When I walk around campus I’m surrounded by inspiration and I’m always surprised when more often than not inspiration walks straight up to me. Taking a second to myself to appreciate the sweeping valley of trees, shades of light to dark green portray a gradient of texturized forests. It’s like looking at a landscape painting… 続きを読む »

Helping Campers Reach New Heights

Down at Outdoor Adventure, survival skills and the rush of adrenaline fill my day. With the ropes courses, zip line, rockwall and woods, everyday I help campers achieve new goals and help them face their fears which is why I believe I have the best job on campus. Every day I interact with campers who… 続きを読む »

Why I Play

I cannot feel a single part of my body for I have been standing outside in negative five-degree weather for the past two hours. I have on thermals, wind pants, Under Armour, a sweatshirt a hat and a pair of gloves. Oh, and let’s not forget my kilt and practice jersey. It has been snowing… 続きを読む »

Family Camp

对于世界上很多家庭来说,去美国旅游就是他们最大的心愿之一。很多父母为了丰富孩子对世界的了解,会送孩子去旅行,让他们接触不同的地方和文化。计划去新的国家旅游是一件激动人心的事情,因为那里有很多好看的风景和好玩的事情,而且也很难找到其他适合全家一起玩的活动了。且不说去哪或去做什么,出国旅游的家庭就是想要在体验新地方的文化和生活方式的同时也能和家人在一起共度时光。这就是“家庭夏令营”备受这么多国际家庭欢迎的原因,因为美国夏令营举办地既安全又以家庭为中心,全家人都可以沉浸在这种独特的夏令营体验中。   参加“家庭夏令营”的家庭可以单独也可组队参加传统夏令营游戏和活动。活动按年龄来分组,这样一来每个家庭成员都可以找到适合自己年龄的活动,连家长也可以。通过合理分配家庭时间和个人时间,让每个家庭成员在彼此联系、相互鼓励的同时,可以发现自己的长处和热情。当全家人集体参与时,必会留下永生难忘的回忆。这些时光弥足珍贵,远离诸如手机和电脑的干扰,让家庭成员建立纽带,真正再次团聚,一起欢笑,一起分享故事,一起亲密地交谈,一起尝试新的事物。“家庭夏令营”可以打开父母和孩子所渴望的讨论和聊天的窗口,并建立对每个家庭成员的成长至关重要的沟通渠道。   每天,每个家庭成员可以参加诸如游泳、绳索挑战、艺术和手工艺课程、垒球、摄影、瑜伽和徒步旅行等活动。晚间活动如篝火晚会、竞猜节目和拾荒式寻物游戏则是结束充满乐趣的一天的好方法。“彩色战争”游戏肯定会给全家人带来难忘的回忆。每日提供三餐,餐餐健康美味,同时也是全家人聚餐和聊天的绝佳机会。   国际家庭可以一起体验传统的美国夏令营,也可以认识世界各地不同的家庭。多样性、认可度和文化渗透在暑假活动的方方面面,这无疑是父母教导孩子这些观念的绝佳方式。   “家庭夏令营”备受国际家庭喜欢的另一个原因在于营地的位置。在“家庭夏令营”度过3-4晚或6晚后,各个家庭可以继续去参观美国的著名地标,比如纽约城和尼亚加拉大瀑布。营地距离拉瓜迪亚机场只有3个小时的路程,方便各个家庭乘坐飞机继续他们一生一次的美国家庭度假之旅。   致力于为全家人创造难忘的假期,“家庭夏令营”为全家人提供一站式度假服务,包您喜欢。  

Spending a Summer at Camp Weequahic

For a first time summer camp experience to remember, there’s no better place to spend your summer than Camp Weequahic. Specializing in first time campers, this exiting sleep away camp gives campers a unique camp experience based on a flexible program where their parents can choose from a wide range of options and choices to… 続きを読む »

The Magic of Camp Starlight

  Camp Starlight has been the backdrop for lifelong summer memories for over 70 years. It is a place that holds a special place in the hearts of thousands of campers, and its focus on tradition is what keeps campers coming back year after year. Camp Starlight knows how valuable camp traditions are, and why… 続きを読む »

For the Love of the Game

If you’ve been on social media recently (and who hasn’t?), chances are you’ve seen Geno Auriemma, Head Coach of the University of Connecticut Women’s basketball team, comment on what he looks for in an athlete while recruiting his players. UConn hasn’t lost a game in two years and there’s a reason why. We need to… 続きを読む »