Month: February 2015

Gymnastics at Camp

While having fun learning interesting cartwheels and handstands during gymnastics activities at camp, your child also benefits in development areas that will help them become a better person and student. To know more about how your child can benefit from gymnastic activities at camp, read on. Healthy Lifestyle The number of obese children in the… 続きを読む »

Outside Play at Summer Camp

A recent phenomenon child psychologists have been focusing on is environmental recreation. What is environmental recreation? It’s as simple as getting children into the great outdoors! Playing outside improves vision, promotes social skills, increases attention span, produces vitamin D, prevents future bone damage and reduces the chance of heart related diseases, diabetes and stress. Playing… 続きを読む »

El Propósito de Asistir a America’s Finest Summer Camps

Asistir a America’s Finest Summer Camps puede ser una experiencia divertida para tu hijo. No sólo proporciona múltiples actividades sino que permite que los niños aprendan diferentes aspectos de la vida. Un campamento de verano es una experiencia única para los niños. Un Lugar Divertido Un campamento de verano es un encuentro de niños en… 続きを読む »

Pourquoi participer à l’un des meilleurs camps d’été américains

Participer à l’un des meilleurs camps d’été américains peut être une expérience fun pour vos enfants parce que non seulement il leur offre une myriade d’activités mais leur permet aussi d’apprendre divers aspects de la vie. C’est une expérience unique. Un endroit vraiment super Un camp d’été réunit en dehors de l’école des élèves venant… 続きを読む »

A Parental View on Summer Camp

Attending one of America’s Finest Summer Camps can be a wonderful experience for a child. Apart from being a fun place, camp teaches some important lessons of life. A child learns to do things on his own without realizing it. However, parents note healthy changes in the child as he/she learns to polish shoes, making… 続きを読む »