Camp Laurel
We’ve Got a Lot to be Thankful For!
And just like that, November is gone. In a flash, the days full of colorful leaves, pumpkin spice and turkey are over; soon to be replaced by days of snow, colorful lights and holiday shopping. But before we can officially turn our attention to the merry month of December, we must first honor Thanksgiving and mention all the wonderful things we are thankful for this year.
Our Camp Parents
While they may only be at camp for one day each summer, our Camp Parents are an integral and important reason we are successful all year long. It is our collaboration and partnership with parents that allow our campers to have the best summer possible. Without their trust and support, Camp Laurel would not exist.
Our Staff
It’s not easy to take care of 500 kids, day in and day out for an entire summer; lucky for us, we have an incredible team of counselors at Laurel. Not only does our staff work very hard for multiple hours each day, they do it all with a smile! They go above and beyond to make sure our campers are safe and having a great time, and their “buy-in” to camp life is infectious.
Our Campers

And last, but of course not least, we have our campers – the “heart and soul” of camp. Their energy is contagious and their enthusiasm is what makes Laurel such a magical place. Just by letting their guard down and being themselves, campers instill a sense of comfort and love into the environment. Without our campers, Laurel would not be the same accepting place that allows kids to break out of their comfort zone.
We can’t say it enough, but thank you to all of our Camp Parents, Staff and Campers. We’re so fortunate to have you!