A rainy day at camp is better than a sunny day stuck at home!
Summer weather in the northeast can be unpredictable. Sometimes you have weeks of high temps and sunshine, other weeks you’ve got off-and-on rainstorms. Thankfully, America’s Finest Summer Camps are designed to provide an exceptional camp experience, rain or shine.
When it rains, the entire camp is prepared. There are countless indoor activities to keep campers entertained and occupied until the sun comes back out.
Performing Arts
There is no better way to spend a rainy day than enjoying a good show. America’s Finest Summer Camps give creative campers an outlet to work on their performance and musical interests. From theatre improv to dance and instrument practice, campers can express themselves through the creative arts. Regardless of skill level, every camper is welcome to participate in some of the many performing arts options at camp!
Creative Arts
While music, theatre, and dance may be the rainy day option for some, other creative campers prefer the visual arts. America’s Finest Summer Camps introduce campers to woodworking, ceramics, drawing, jewelry and candle making. Aspiring artists can channel their inner creativity in many different activities at camp.
Other Rainy Day Options
The America’s Finest Summer Camp experience is designed to give every camper a unique and personalized sleepaway camp experience. This is why some programs offer additional options for campers who have specific interests, such as radio broadcasting, science, cooking, and digital photography. These options keep kids in their zone as the rain comes pouring down.
Indoor Athletics
While many of camp’s sports programs are designed to be played outside in the beautiful summer weather, some indoor options allow campers to stay active without getting soaked. Gymnastics, fitness and aerobics, figure skating, and basketball are a few examples of sports that can be moved indoors. These options give campers plenty of possibilities for rainy day fun.
America’s Finest Summer Camps always have a plan. Camp staff and counselors are prepared for rainy days and have tricks up their sleeves to ensure a rainy day is still just as much fun as a sunny days. The best part about rainy days at camp is that you are still surrounded by friends.
We never let a little rain ruin our fun at camp. No matter what the weather forecast says, campers fill every day with new activities, great food, new friends and adventure!