When you hear the words “summer camp,” you probably think of three things right away: campfires, friendship — and nature. Without any of these essential elements, camp just wouldn’t be the same. Spending much-needed “digital detox” time in the woods is what brings many of us back year after year, so it’s no surprise that… Leggi altro »
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今年我怀着既紧张又激动的心情为儿子Conner报名了全美最优秀的夏令营。Conner的好友曾经有参加夏令营的经历,而且回来后不停地极力赞扬。随后经过诸多调查和讨论,我们决定让Conner也去夏令营体验一个夏天。当送儿子到达营地后看他高兴地跳下车,头也没回就兴奋的直奔营地时,这颗“妈妈心”还是有些颤动,但我们坚信这个决定是正确的。上周夏令营结束,我们接他回家时我才百分之百的确定我们做了最正确的决定。这个面带欢乐笑容跳上后座的孩子与之前有些…不同。 当时我很难详细的说出有那点不同,但光从他谈论在营地结交的新朋友以及当他说起他们之间的小笑话而兴奋不已时我能看得出他眼中发自内心的激动和兴奋。回到家后我们注意到他最大的一点改变就是他变得更加懂事了。不用我问孩子就会自己主动铺床、饭后将自己的饭碗放到水池、主动提出帮忙提杂物甚至在路过厨房时会主动询问我们是否需要些什么。我们发现从营地回来后的他变得更加体贴细心。这并不是从前的他不懂事,而是我看到他愿意帮助别人以及多为别人着想的意愿变得比以前更加强烈。随着日子一天天过去,我非常开心的看到他很享受地与新朋友发邮件、聊天、视频等。夏令营之前的他还有些内向,现在的他变得爱说话并且更加自信。我喜欢看到他与同龄的伙伴们互动、我也喜欢看他认真倾听别人说话并且自信的参与他人交谈。 就在今天,他告诉我他要参加学校足球队的面试,足球是一项夏令营之前他从没接触过的体育运动。他说在营地时他受到鼓励参与足球运动并且每天都与小伙伴们一起踢足球。作为母亲,看到儿子通过夏令营有了积极正面的改变而震惊。我预想得到他会结交一些新朋友、尝试一些新活动、学会独立,但我从没想过通过短短几周的时间能够提升他的社交能力、促进他的性格发展和关系增长以及增强他的自信心。 任何还在迟疑是否让孩子参加夏令营的家长都不用在怀疑,这真的是让孩子得到锻炼的好机会。在这短短的几周里你不仅可以享受一下放松时光,更重要的是你会被孩子通过夏令营所学到的东西和他自身的改变所震惊。 全美最优秀的夏令营让我的孩子变得更好,我们也期待着下次的夏令营能够看到他更大更强的改变!
Friendship at America’s Finest Summer Camps
Written by Ornella Vecchio When my dad told me about Camp for the first time, it took me a while to understand what he was really talking about. In the ‘70s Italy was a far away place. Colour television was the big technological advance of that year and a weekly direct flight to New York… Leggi altro »
Il campus ha cambiato il mio bimbo
Ero emozionata e nervosa per il fatto di dover mandare mio figlio Connor quest’anno in uno dei migliori campus estivi americani. Il migliore amico di Connor era andato nel campus l’estate scorsa e ne parlava con entusiasmo. Quindi, dopo tante ricerche e discussioni, abbiamo deciso di consentire a Connor di trascorrere l’estate lontano da casa…. Leggi altro »
El campamento cambió a mi hijo
Me sentía nerviosa y emocionada de enviar a mi hijo Connor a America´s Finest Summer Camps este año. Su mejor amigo había asistido a un campamento de verano antes y no podía parar de hablar sobre él. Así que después de mucha investigación y discusiones, hemos decidido permitir a Connor pasar el verano afuera. No… Leggi altro »
La colonie de vacances a changé mon enfant
J’étais à la fois stressée et excitée d’envoyer mon fils Connor cet été dans une des meilleures colonies de vacances des Etats-Unis. Le meilleur ami de Connor était allé en colonie de vacances l’été d’avant et n’arrêtait pas d’en chanter les louanges. Alors après de nombreuses recherches et discussions, nous avons décidé de laisser Connor… Leggi altro »
How to make cool shadow animals with your flashlight!
As night falls over America’s Finest Summer Camps, the loud and crazy activities of the day give way to the whispered and wonderful activities of the evening. Bedtime stories, chilled-out card games, and friendly chatter fill the hour between returning inside and falling asleep. As a camp counselor, you will always need plenty of fun, surprising… Leggi altro »
Lights! Camera! Action!
I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and I felt like I was going to throw up. I could hear the whispers of my fellow campers just behind the curtain, and I became absolutely certain that this was a very very bad idea. And then, like slow motion, the curtain lifted and… Leggi altro »
Benefits of Camp: Parent’s Perspective
In a world of Wiis, Xbox ones and 360s, nothing is better than real “whee’s” on the zipline, one on ones with friends and the 360 views your kids will get when they attend summer camp. Unplug your kids and find out how they can benefit. It’s an invaluable experience that allows them to develop… Leggi altro »
10 Times Summer Camp Made You a Better Team Player
1. When your friend was missing home and you helped them feel better Missing home is totally natural, and a common part of camp life. Everyone feels that way at some point — even the counselors! Summer campers quickly learn that the best medicine is a good friend to remind you of how much fun… Leggi altro »