Month: June 2015

Participating versus Competing

My son Austin lives and breathes soccer. He is captain of his school team, plays with the neighborhood kids on the weekends and plays in recreational leagues. He watches soccer on TV, researches player stats online and is even part of a soccer club. To say he is competitive is an understatement. His sister, Emma,… Leggi altro »

Academic and Social Pressures: Summer Camp

A quick Google search for “what stresses kids out?” will produce thousands of results discussing all of the things kids and teenagers have to stress out about. As our country leans more towards standardize testing each year, students are bogged down with learning how to take a test, and riddled with anxiety about a single… Leggi altro »

Trying New Things

Trying new things builds character, self-esteem and confidence. It allows you to be vulnerable, allows you to trust yourself and others, and allows you to grow as an individual. Trying new things, like spending the entire summer away from your bed, your dog, and your parents may seem like a scary endeavor, but thousands of… Leggi altro »