Tag: camp counselor

Camp Internships

The guest blog this week was originally featured on the Camp Starlight blog on April 27, 2013.  We’ve decided to re-post it because if you’ve been considering a summer working at camp, whether as an intern or not, it’s not too late.  Some of America’s Finest Summer Camps are still hiring!  If you’re interested in… קרא עוד »

The Backbone of the Laurel Camps…Our Counselors

The guest blog this week comes from the Laurel camps.  If you’ve ever wondered what fuels a camp, read no further than this article. Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner says that being a summer camp counselor was the most valuable job he ever had. What a coincidence! Our counselors may be the most valuable part… קרא עוד »

Who is Watching Your Children? A Look at Camp Staff and Leadership

If you submit prospective babysitters through background and reference checks just for a date night with your spouse or significant other, then you probably have an extreme interest in just who will be taking care of your children at summer camp.  Thanks in part to movies and television, many parents have images of young, barely… קרא עוד »

Looking Past the Post Camp Lull

It’s here.  The lull.  The point at which the reality has set in that summer is over but next summer isn’t quite real enough.  By now, most of us have shared our favorite memories of camp at least a half dozen times with anyone who will listen  and we’ve actually started to settle into our… קרא עוד »

Staff Orientation Week

Some campers and parents may wonder what happens up at camp before they arrive.  When do the counselors get there and what do they do to prepare?  All of America’s Finest Summer Camp staff members attend a week long orientation session.  This is a week when counselors learn a lot about themselves, each other, the… קרא עוד »

An International Staff Member Reflects on Working at Summer Camp

A couple of weeks ago, an American Camp staff member reflected on his camp experience.  This week, we’d like to share the sentiments of an international staff member: “An average camp is considered to be successful if the kids come home safe at the end of the summer and had fun. Camp is about so… קרא עוד »

Are You One in a Million?

According to the American Camp Association (ACA), nearly 1.2 million people take on the adventure of working at camp each summer.  They come from all over the world and all walks of life.  Some of them are former campers while others have never experienced summer camp at all.  Their educations are as diverse as their… קרא עוד »

Make Your Camp Counselor Experience an Effective Tool in Your Job Search

So you’ve spent a summer—or maybe the better part of your college career—working as a summer camp counselor.  You’re nearing graduation and you’re starting to pull together your resume for finding a job in the “real world”.  You’ve been wondering, ‘How do I adequately articulate my summer camp experience?’  You’re worried that it will sound… קרא עוד »

Being a Camp Counselor Builds Skills for Your Future

The guest blog this week is from Alyson, Camp Starlight’s Assistant Director. “Most of hype you hear about why you should be a summer camp counselor involves fun, friendship, and sunshine!  However, it may come as a surprise that one of the best reasons to become a camp counselor is the impact it will have… קרא עוד »

A Peek at What’s Happening at AFSC Right Now!

The start of summer 2011 is at hand and the always amazing staffs of America’s Finest Summer Camps assembled this week at their respective camps, excited to be with old friends as well as new and anxious to begin preparing for the campers.   We thought we’d take a moment to share the success of each… קרא עוד »