The first time they arrive at camp, campers may feel anything but confident. Everything is new, people they don’t know surround them, and they aren’t quite sure what to expect. But as the days go by, they are constantly exposed to new experiences, adventures and activities that push them out of their comfort zones. They try new things, they fail, they try again, and eventually they succeed. This creates a confidence boost that helps them realize that they’re capable of much more than they sometimes give themselves credit for, and it gives them the push they need to venture further out of their comfort zone and try even more new things.
Camp has a special way of boosting confidence without creating a sense of arrogance. Confidence comes from trying new things and feeling positive about what they’ve accomplished, without feeling the need to brag, boast or make others feel inferior. Confidence is admitting mistakes and learning from them, while arrogance is denying that mistakes were made at all. Confident people encourage other people to be their best, while arrogant people think that they are the best.
Camp counselors help campers learn the difference between confidence and arrogance by demonstrating it in their every day lives. Camp counselors demonstrate confidence when they lead a group of campers on an outdoor adventure or tackle an activity or obstacle that is difficult for them. They demonstrate how to be graceful winners when they are successful, and have a positive attitude regardless of if they win or lose. Campers learn a lot just by watching their counselors, which is why America’s Finest Summer Camps only hires counselors who demonstrate a high level of confidence without coming off as cocky.
Campers try new things, meet new people, eat new foods and learn new things every day at camp, and it boosts their self-confidence. This in turn builds their character and self-esteem, making them happier individuals for a lifetime. It is fundamental for campers to establish a healthy sense of self, and this can be done by stepping out of their comfort zone, trying new things and being made to feel encouraged and capable by the people around them.
Camp creates happy, healthy and confident kids who are self assured enough to walk into any situation with a positive attitude, and who encourage others to feel the same.