Walking off the field, high-fiving your teammates, and grabbing a snack after a close victory is one of the greatest feelings in sports. Players and coaches work hard all year to win. When they walk off the field after earning “the dub,” the whole team can take solace in a finite result. The other team…. En lire plus »
Étiquette : life at summer camp
The Importance of Camp Routines
Camp Laurel South: Camp is all about having fun, developing friendships and creating memories that last a lifetime. Campers love the activities, living with their closest friends and trying new things. They could go on and on about how much they love wakeboarding, playing ping-pong during free time or simply laughing through every day. What… En lire plus »
The Value of Communal Living at a Young Age
We’ve all heard horror stories of terrible college roommates; the ones who are dirty or irresponsible or rude or have no self-awareness. It raises the question, if these people would have been exposed to more communal living experiences growing up, would they be better roommates as an adult? Living with others is a skill that… En lire plus »
The Beauty of Camp
Chelsea takes the subway to school every morning. Justin spends his weekends hanging out downtown with his buddies. Evan can walk to movie theaters, restaurants, and museums from the apartment where he lives. These city kids spend most of their year surrounded by concrete, honking horns and tall buildings. And that is why they, like… En lire plus »
The Physical Health Benefits of Summer Camp
There are quite a few things that have seen rapid growth over the last several years, including Justin Bieber’s popularity, SnapChat and Disney’s Frozen. However, there is something that is taking over America’s youth at a frightening speed, and it’s not as light and fluffy as Elsa or The Biebs; it’s childhood obesity. Childhood obesity… En lire plus »
Going on a Hike… More than Just Good Exercise!

When you hear the words “summer camp,” you probably think of three things right away: campfires, friendship — and nature. Without any of these essential elements, camp just wouldn’t be the same. Spending much-needed “digital detox” time in the woods is what brings many of us back year after year, so it’s no surprise that… En lire plus »
Il campus ha cambiato il mio bimbo
Ero emozionata e nervosa per il fatto di dover mandare mio figlio Connor quest’anno in uno dei migliori campus estivi americani. Il migliore amico di Connor era andato nel campus l’estate scorsa e ne parlava con entusiasmo. Quindi, dopo tante ricerche e discussioni, abbiamo deciso di consentire a Connor di trascorrere l’estate lontano da casa…. En lire plus »
Camps d’été internationaux : 5 manières d’élargir leur horizon
Le camp d’été en lui-même est déjà une activité très divertissante. Imaginez alors pouvoir travailler avec des campeurs et des moniteurs provenant du monde entier, quel bonheur !… Bien sûr, le camp international n’est pas juste un mélange d’activités existant déjà, le tout avec des accents exotiques en plus. Les campeurs de camps internationaux ont l’occasion… En lire plus »
5 Ways international camps expand camper horizons
Summer camp is already super fun. So as you can probably imagine, adding international campers and counselors to the mix turns up the fun-dial even higher! …But international camp isn’t just the same camp activities and friendships with a few exotic accents thrown into the mix. The secret sauce that makes international camp so special… En lire plus »
More Than Just A Lake
There are many things notice when they arrive at camp the first day. They notice the cabins, all of the new faces, the baseball fields, ropes course, tennis courts and acres and acres of open space to run in, play in and explore in. But one of the most breathtaking and exciting parts of camp… En lire plus »