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Friendship Bracelets: A Storyboard of Summer

A chuckle-worthy camp confession recently spotted on Pinterest: “My wrists did not see sunlight all summer because of the bracelets.” Anyone who has ever attended or worked at a sleepaway camp is all too familiar with the “bracelet tan.” Of the thousands of camps across America, there is not an Arts & Crafts area that… En lire plus »

Some Fun Summer Camp Trivia

Most sleepaway campers and staff have now entered the home stretch of the wait for the summer of 2014 to begin. While everyone is counting down, here is a bit of fun summer camp trivia to enjoy, courtesy of the Camp Weequahic blog. In just a few weeks, buses will arrive with Camp Weequahic campers… En lire plus »

How to Have a Fun Summer at Camp

Campers: June is finally here and you’re about to head off to camp for the summer. Whether this is your first summer or your seventh, it’s completely normal to be a whole lot excited and even a little bit nervous. This just HAS to be the best summer EVER…as in epic! But do you ever… En lire plus »

« THE » Song of the Summer

Music is an important part of camp and, in many ways, defines the camp experience. That’s why we’ve selected this week’s guest blog, which was originally posted to the Camp Starlight blog on May 27, 2014. Every summer at Camp Starlight, there is that one song that it seems no one can get out of… En lire plus »

Counselors, It’s Time to Pack!

You’ve scored an amazing summer job at a sleepaway camp and the summer is so close that you can practically taste the s’mores, smell the camp air and hear your campers laughing. But before you can head off for the summer of your life, you have to pack. Packing can be a daunting task for… En lire plus »

Camp Weequahic Counselors – Being a Mentor

As the summer draws closer, thousands of young college students are preparing to spend their summer working at a sleepaway camp.  While some of these counselors are returners, for many others it will be their first time embarking on such an experience. Our guest blog this week was originally posted the Camp Weequahic Blog on… En lire plus »

Camp Friends defines a friend as someone who is a “patron or supporter.” Whether you’re a child or adult, chances are that your friends are a crucial part of your life. Of course, there are different kinds of friends and some are closer than others. They’re all very special. However, there is one type of friend… En lire plus »

An Ode to Bunk Junk: Less is More

This week’s guest blog is from the Camp Starlight blog…. Have you ever walked into your child’s room or playroom and thought, “What happened, did a tornado come through here?” So cluttered, so messy that you can’t even think straight?  We try our hardest at Camp Starlight to not let the “Bunk Junk tornado” run… En lire plus »

Environmentally Friendly Noise

Whether you’re a new or returning staff member who is preparing to work at camp this summer, the decibel level of those first few days at camp are always a bit above what you anticipate. Of course, we hear noise every day.  But camp noise is different than other noise. A camp staff member once… En lire plus »

Stack the Caps: Taking on the World One Cap at a Time

Summer camp encourages campers to give back to their community, and emphasizes the importance of community involvement. To illustrate this, guest blog this week is one originally posted to the Camp Starlight blog on March 22, 2014. It concerns the Stack the Caps charity sponsored by the camp in honor of a former camper who… En lire plus »