Going on a Hike… More than Just Good Exercise!

Screen-Shot-2016-03-30-at-3.49.18-PM-300x198When you hear the words “summer camp,” you probably think of three things right away: campfires, friendship — and nature.

Without any of these essential elements, camp just wouldn’t be the same. Spending much-needed “digital detox” time in the woods is what brings many of us back year after year, so it’s no surprise that hiking in the natural areas around Camp Weequahic is one of the most popular activities each summer!

There’s nothing like fresh mountain air to remind us of the things that matter in life.

The healing power of nature

Hiking is a serious workout, but it isn’t just about “building character.” Life on the trail has many proven emotional and health benefits that make it a wonderful way for campers and counselors alike to pass the afternoon.

For example: did you know the average person only walks half as much as doctors recommend for a healthy lifestyle?

This is particularly unfortunate for kids, many of whom aren’t spending nearly enough time outside. Aside from missing out on the emotional benefits of sunshine and endorphins, it’s no mystery to parents that time spent in front of iPads and Playstations is rarely time well-spent.

Needless to say, everyone gets in plenty of exercise out of an afternoon in the woods!

Connecting with the natural world

But it isn’t the health benefits of hiking that get campers excited about getting out on the trail. Quite the opposite: in the high-energy world of camp sports and games, hiking is a perfect slow-down time.

New friends can use the time to talk and get to know one another, and others can use the time to “zen out” with the forest and enjoy the experience of being out in the wild.

With so many campers coming from urban and suburban areas, time spent hiking around Camp Weequahic may be a first-time experience with the peace and quiet of the woodlands!

The journey is the destination

Like all the activities at summer camp, hiking contains many lessons that strike to the core of what the camp experience is all about.

Most importantly, campers are reminded that the journey is as important as the destination. The summit may be spectacular, but the best part of hiking come from the camaraderie and togetherness of tackling the trail — and the pure value of experiencing the great outdoors.

Life is like a trail, and every journey begins with a single step. Whatever your dream may be, it’s waiting for you at the top of the mountain. The journey may be long… but there’s no reason to make it alone! Stick with your camp friends and you’ll be there before you know it!

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Friendship at America’s Finest Summer Camps

Written by Ornella Vecchio

Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 11.07.22 AMWhen my dad told me about Camp for the first time, it took me a while to understand what he was really talking about. In the ‘70s Italy was a far away place. Colour television was the big technological advance of that year and a weekly direct flight to New York was the latest in terms of traveling in style. Father said I would soon be going to Camp. To learn English, to learn the American way of life. To prepare myself to go to a US university, one day. He also told me that his best friend Si and his wife Shirley – Jeff Moss’s dad and mom!! – would take care of me and help me to get used to Camp. “How lucky is father” I thought “to have a best friend he trusts so much that he sends his daughter all over the ocean to stay with him and his family!” Well, my dad did not go to Camp but he already knew that Camp is the place where you make friends that last a lifetime.

And that was very true. Now that over 40 years have gone by since I first went to Camp. Over there, in that far away place, I made friends that have been close to my heart ever since, even if communication was not what is it today. But thank God we now have Viper and Skype!So, I eventually turned 13 – at that time in Italy your 12th birthday was a sort of rite of passage that took you from childhood to teen age – and the time came to start making preparations for Camp.When the letter from Camp arrived in January, with a list of clothes and things to prepare, mother and I had to ask my English teacher to help us with those funny terms we could not find on our Oxford English Lerner’s Dictionary. I can still remember the big brainstorming mother had with both grandmothers about “shorts”. In the years when Mary Quant’s mini-skirt was still being banned, I was supposed to wear something the Americans called shorts and that were shorter than half my thigh! To my grandma Ester this was totally unacceptable. Let alone that shorts were impossible to find. So, a tailor was summoned and entrusted with the delicate task of making “shorts” that were not “so” short. The result was obviously completely ridiculous and made me look like one of Queen Victoria’s children in her bathing suit. And on top of that, when I finally arrived at Camp, I realized that the fastest and best way to make a pair of shorts, was to cut out the legs from a pair stone washed jeans.

Yeah, of course. But the point was: were could you buy Levi’s jeans in Valenza, Piedmont, in 1974?

Il campus ha cambiato il mio bimbo

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 3.42.06 PMEro emozionata e nervosa per il fatto di dover mandare mio figlio Connor quest’anno in uno dei migliori campus estivi americani. Il migliore amico di Connor era andato nel campus l’estate scorsa e ne parlava con entusiasmo. Quindi, dopo tante ricerche e discussioni, abbiamo deciso di consentire a Connor di trascorrere l’estate lontano da casa. Non voglio mentire, il mio “cuore da mamma” si è spezzato quando praticamente è sceso dalla macchina senza guardare indietro, ma ero abbastanza convinta che stessimo facendo la scelta giusta. La scorsa settimana, quando siamo andati a prenderlo, ero al 100% sicura di aver preso la decisione giusta. Il ragazzo felice e sorridente che è salito sul sedile posteriore della nostra macchina era… diverso.

Non ho potuto individuare molte differenze sin da subito, a parte la frenesia che aveva negli occhi e la voce che aveva quando ha parlato di tutti i suoi amici ed è scoppiato a ridere ricordandosi gli scherzi e le conversazioni divertenti con i suoi nuovi compagni. Una delle cose importanti che ho notato quando siamo arrivati a casa è stato il fatto che era diventato d’aiuto. Senza che io glielo chiedessi, ha rifatto il suo letto, ha messo il suo piatto nel lavandino, si è offerto di portarmi i sacchetti della spesa e ci ha chiesto se poteva portarci qualcosa dalla cucina visto che stava andando in quella direzione. Ho notato un nuovo senso di premura quando è tornato. Non che fosse senza cuore prima, ma ho sicuramente notato un cambiamento nella sua volontà di aiutare gli altri e di pensare agli altri prima di pensare a se stesso. Col passare dei giorni, il mio cuore è esploso dalla gioia nel vedere l’entusiasmo con il quale inviava email, chattava e usava FaceTime per parlare con i suoi nuovi amici. È andato al campus un po’ riservato, ed è tornato socievole e fiducioso. Mi è piaciuto vederlo interagire con i suoi coetanei, mi è piaciuto vedere come stava veramente ascoltando ciò che gli altri avevano da dire, e come si sentiva fiducioso di contribuire alla conversazione.

11403218_10152921109351960_6993264803082064644_nProprio oggi mi ha detto che stava andando a fare il provino per il calcio a scuola, uno sport che non aveva mai praticato prima di andare nel campus. Ha detto che era stato incoraggiato a provarlo nel campus e lo aveva praticato tutti i giorni mentre era lì. In qualità di madre, sono rimasta a bocca aperta quando ho visto i cambiamenti positivi di mio figlio dopo averlo mandato al campus. Sapevo che avrebbe fatto nuove amicizie, provato una o due nuove attività e imparato a vivere indipendentemente e in gruppo, ma non avevo idea delle competenze sociali, dello sviluppo caratteriale, della crescita relazionale e dell’aumento della fiducia che il fatto di spendere solo due settimane lontano da casa avrebbe portato.

Qualsiasi genitore che sta solo pensando di mandare il suo figlio in un campus, dovrebbe smettere di pensare ora e di iscriverlo. Non solo vi goderete un paio di settimane di relax in assenza di vostro figlio, ma quando egli torna a casa, sarete piacevolmente sorpresi da tutto quello che ha imparato, e soprattutto, da ciò che è diventato.

I migliori campus estivi americani hanno cambiato mio figlio per il meglio, ed entrambi non vediamo l’ora di vedere la crescita e i cambiamenti che accadranno la prossima estate nel campus!

5 Ways international camps expand camper horizons

Summer camp is already super fun. So as you can probably imagine, adding international campers and counselors to the mix turns up the fun-dial even higher!

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…But international camp isn’t just the same camp activities and friendships with a few exotic accents thrown into the mix. The secret sauce that makes international camp so special to returning campers is the chance to learn something about people who are truly “different” — and learn something about themselves in the process.

1. Difference is the spice of life

Everyone is different and special in their own way — at international camp, they’re just a little more different! Meeting peers from other countries and finding common ground with campers from the other side of the world teaches international campers to value differences.


After all, no one wants to be around people who are exactly like themselves all the time! Learning to appreciate different cultures helps international campers grow into curious, tolerant, and fun-loving world citizens.

2. Communication is everything

Is talking about communication redundant? We sure hope not, because workshopping camper communications skills is a huge part of the leadership programming out here at camp! International camp is a chance for campers to put their communication skills to the test.


Especially when all the campers come from different cultures with separate languages, finding common ground and making oneself understood can become a challenge; every international camper learns the rewards of sharing a part of yourself with someone completely different.

3. Meaningful friendships

Friendship is at the core of the camp experience, and it’s what keeps campers returning year after year.


“Who’s going to be in my group this year?”


“Where will they come from, and what will they be like?”


Questions like these are at the top of any young summer camper’s mind.


…The best part is, once the summer ends, international campers return home with pen pals from every corner of the globe. Who knows — maybe you’ll even go visit some of your new friends in France, China, and Spain some day soon!

4. Tolerance is the international passport

In a world that’s more connected every day, learning to be tolerant of those who are different from you is an important lesson for everyone to learn — not just summer campers.


International campers learn first-hand how the differences between cultures can be fun and interesting rather than intimidating or alienating. Bridging cultures is the name of the game at international camp.

5. Curiosity is key

International campers know that the secret to making friends is to always be curious. Instead of assuming things about people from different cultures, international campers simply ask.


When it comes to making friends with campers from other countries, listening with a curious ear is the easiest path to a fun summer. Who knows what you might learn!

Always open to new experiences

The world is an adventurous place full of fun and opportunity for those who know where to look. International camp is an excellent first step, teaching campers not just the exciting things the world has to offer, but an appreciation for the things that make their own culture unique and interesting.


Every country in the world seems exotic from someone’s perspective — for international campers, the world is one big family!

El campamento cambió a mi hijo

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 3.42.06 PMMe sentía nerviosa y emocionada de enviar a mi hijo Connor a America´s Finest Summer Camps este año. Su mejor amigo había asistido a un campamento de verano antes y no podía parar de hablar sobre él. Así que después de mucha investigación y discusiones, hemos decidido permitir a Connor pasar el verano afuera. No miento, mi “corazón de mamá” se quebró un poco cuando él prácticamente saltó del coche y no se dio vuelta a mirarnos, pero me sentía segura de haber tomado la decisión correcta. La semana pasada, cuando lo recogí, estaba 100% segura de que lo habíamos hecho. El niño feliz y sonriente que saltaba en el asiento trasero era… diferente.

No podía precisar esas diferencias, salvo el entusiasmo en sus ojos y su voz cuando hablaba de sus nuevos amigos y se emocionaba recordando bromas y conversaciones divertidas con sus nuevos compañeros. Una de las principales cosas que noté cuando llegamos a casa fue que estaba muy servicial. Sin necesidad de ordenarlo, hacía su cama, llevaba sus platos al fregadero, se ofrecía a comprar los alimentos o incluso simplemente preguntaba si podría llevarnos algo de la cocina ya que iba para allí. Cuando regresó, noté un nuevo sentido de consideración. No es que antes fuera insensible pero definitivamente noté un cambio en su voluntad de ayudar a otros y pensar en los demás antes que en sí mismo. A medida que pasaban los días, mi corazón estaba lleno de alegría al verlo emocionado enviando correos electrónicos, chateando y hablando por Facetime a todos sus nuevos amigos. Fue a un campamento siendo un poco tímido y volvió sociable y con confianza. Me encantaba verlo interactuar con sus compañeros, su atención real a lo que otros tenían que decir y su convencimiento de contribuir a la conversación.

11403218_10152921109351960_6993264803082064644_nHoy mismo, me dijo que iba a intentar pruebas de futbol en la escuela, un deporte que nunca había jugado antes del campamento. Dijo que se sintió animado para hacerlo en el campamento y que jugaba casi todos los días cuando estaba allí. Como mamá, estoy fascinada por los cambios positivos resultantes de haber enviado a mi hijo al campamento. Sabía que haría amigos, probaría una o dos actividades nuevas y aprendería a vivir tanto de forma independiente y en grupo, pero no tenía idea de que podría desarrollar habilidades sociales, fortalecer su carácter, crecer en los vínculos y aumentar su confianza sólo en unas pocas semanas.

Cualquier padre que incluso esté pensando en enviar a sus hijos al campamento debería dejar de pensar e inscribirlos. No sólo disfrutarás unas semanas de relajación libre de niños sino que cuando tu hijo vuelva a casa, estarás gratamente sorprendido por todo lo que han aprendido y más importante, en quiénes se han convertido.

America´s Finest Summer Camps cambió a mi hijo para mejor, ¡y ambos esperamos más crecimiento y los cambios que van a ocurrir el próximo verano en el campamento!

La colonie de vacances a changé mon enfant

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 3.42.06 PMJ’étais à la fois stressée et excitée d’envoyer mon fils Connor cet été dans une des meilleures colonies de vacances des Etats-Unis. Le meilleur ami de Connor était allé en colonie de vacances l’été d’avant et n’arrêtait pas d’en chanter les louanges. Alors après de nombreuses recherches et discussions, nous avons décidé de laisser Connor passer l’été loin de nous. Je ne mentirai pas, mon “cœur de maman” s’est un peu brisé quand il est descendu de la voiture en sautant et est parti sans se retourner quand je l’ai déposé, mais j’étais plutôt confiante et sûre que nous avions pris la bonne décision. La semaine dernière, quand nous sommes allés le chercher, j’étais alors 100% certaine que nous avions pris la bonne décision. L’enfant souriant et heureux qui a sauté à l’arrière de notre voiture était…différent.

Je ne pouvais pas pointer précisément chaque différence, sauf la voix et les yeux excités qu’il avait quand il parlait de tous ses nouveaux amis et quand il éclatait de rire en se rappelant des blagues qu’ils s’étaient faites entre amis ou des conversations qu’ils avaient eu.

11403218_10152921109351960_6993264803082064644_nCe que j’ai le plus remarqué en rentrant à la maison c’est à quel point il était devenu serviable. Sans que je n’ai besoin de le demander, il faisait son lit, mettait les assiettes dans l’évier, proposait de ranger les courses ou demandait même simplement si l’on souhaitait qu’il nous apporte quelque chose de la cuisine puisqu’il y allait. J’ai remarqué chez lui une nouvelle gentillesse. Ce n’est pas qu’il était sans cœur avant, mais j’ai vraiment remarqué un changement dans sa volonté d’aider les autres et de penser aux autres avant de penser à lui. Puis les jours ont passé et mon cœur a explosé de joie en le voyant si excité d’envoyer un mail, de chatter ou de passer du temps sur Facetime avec tous ses nouveaux amis. Il est parti en colonie un peu réservé et est revenu confiant et très sociable.

J’adore le voir échanger avec des autres, écouter sincèrement ce qu’ils ont à dire et le voir participer avec confiance à la conversation.

Justement aujourd’hui il m’a dit vouloir passer les tests pour essayer de rentrer dans l’équipe de football de son école, alors qu’il ne jouait jamais à ce sport avant d’aller en colonie. Il m’a dit qu’on l’avait encouragé à essayer d’y jouer pendant la colonie et qu’il y avait ensuite joué quasiment tous les jours.

En tant que maman, je suis stupéfaite des changements positifs que cet envoi en colonie de vacances a entrainé sur mon fils. Je savais qu’il se ferait des amis, qu’il essaierait une activité ou deux et qu’il apprendrait à vivre à la fois seul et en groupe mais je n’avais aucune idée des compétences sociales, de développement de son caractère et de son relationnel et du gain de confiance en soi que ces quelques semaines passées loin de nous lui apporteraient.

Tout parent qui réfléchit au fait d’envoyer ou non son enfant en colonie de vacances devrait immédiatement arrêter d’y réfléchir et l’inscrire. Non seulement vous y gagnerez quelques semaines de vacances sans enfant, mais quand votre enfant reviendra vous serez agréablement surpris de tout ce qu’ils ont appris et, encore plus important, de ce qu’ils sont devenus.

Les meilleures colonies de vacances des Etats-Unis ont changé mon fils en mieux, et nous sommes tous les deux impatients de voir quels développements et changements elles lui apporteront l’été prochain !

How to make cool shadow animals with your flashlight!

As night falls over America’s Finest Summer Camps, the loud and crazy activities of the day give way to the whispered and wonderful activities of the evening.

Bedtime stories, chilled-out card games, and friendly chatter fill the hour between returning inside and falling asleep.

As a camp counselor, you will always need plenty of fun, surprising activities to keep the fun flowing. Learning a few shadow-animals is a sure-fire way to spark campers’ creativity and interest. The best part is, all you need is a flashlight and a wall! (Check and check!)

Level 1: Bear & Alligator

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The simplest shadow animals use your thumbs for ears mouths, and can be easily modified to match dozens of recognizable animal faces! Try curling in your fingers to make a snub-nosed pug out of the alligator, or move the bear’s ear over its nose to make a triceratops dinosaur!

Level 2: Dog and Eagle

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Woof woof! Wrap your right hand around the left to add two ears and a defined head-shape to your friendly Fido!

Then try using your hands for a flapping bird — one of the oldest tricks in the book. You can spread and curve your fingers to make a creepy spider for some easy heeby-jeebies!

Level 3: Deer and Mountain Goat

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Once you’ve mastered the dog, adding curved horns and and a peep-hole for the eyes can turn it into both a deer and a mountain goat. Getting the shape just right for less recognizable critters than dogs and birds can be tricky, but it’s worth the effort once you’ve nailed it!

Level 4: Rabbit and Bear Cub

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The final step in shadow animal mastery is the jump from faces to full-bodied creatures! The trick here is using one hand for the legs and body while the other takes care of ears and mouth. Getting the angle “just so” is more important here than with easier animals. Once you’ve got it, they can crawl, wave, and give high-fives!

Bedtime is fun time!

Hand shadows can also add some interactive fun to traditional camp stories, or even make an appearance in your group’s skit or talent show performance!

Once you’ve mastered the basics, what other unexpected animals and shapes can you and your campers dream up?

Practice at home and be sure to share your creations with us, whether on Facebook or in person!

In the meantime, keep dreaming that camp dream. 😊

Lights! Camera! Action!


Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 3.29.17 PMI could hear my heart pounding in my chest and I felt like I was going to throw up. I could hear the whispers of my fellow campers just behind the curtain, and I became absolutely certain that this was a very very bad idea. And then, like slow motion, the curtain lifted and I saw the entire audience looking at me. And the music that was all so familiar from practice started, and my feet started moving and my lips started talking and I was doing it! I was preforming in front of a huge crowd and to my surprise, I was LOVING it. It was so much fun pretending to be someone else, and I lost myself in the character I was playing. I had never been in a play before, and never thought as myself as the “in the spotlight” kind of kid, but I felt right at home on stage.

One of the reasons I felt so confident on my big night was because we had so many opportunities to practice. Every day, almost from the first day at camp, we would all get together and practice our lines, our movements and we got a lot of guidance from our counselors, some of whom had been in dozens of plays in high school and college! They were so helpful in making us feel comfortable and confident, and sometimes we forgot we were “working” because we were having so much fun.

Some of my cast mates were from preforming arts schools, and had a lot of theatre experience under their belt. We all really learned a lot from them, and were lucky to have them on our team. But no matter if we had done 10 plays or this was our first one, everyone was treated like a very valuable part of the production. I loved the feeling of being part of a team (since sports have never really been my thing) and feeling valued, wanted and appreciated. When I got nervous, I just had to look out of the corner of my eye to my friend Jake who would give me an encouraging nod or wink, and I suddenly found my confidence. When someone else got tripped up on their lines or forgot their mark, I was able to mouth the words or improvise so that the show flowed smoothly.

Since I was in the play at camp, public speaking at school has been much easier. I even tried out for the play at school, and although I didn’t get the role I auditioned for, I’m having a great time being part of the production. That is another thing that being in the camp play helped me with; understanding that you don’t always get the starring role, but that without the supporting roles, the play can’t go on! Everyone has such an important role, no matter how small, and I love that about being in theatre.

After the play, everyone clapped and cheered, and for the rest of my time at camp, people I didn’t even know came up and told me how funny I was and what a good job I did. It was so nice to get that encouragement from my fellow campers. Some even said that they’re going to try out next time!

Being in the camp play was one of the most exciting, nerve-wracking, and amazing things I’ve ever done, and I learned so much!

Benefits of Camp: Parent’s Perspective


In a world of Wiis, Xbox ones and 360s, nothing is better than real “whee’s” on the zipline, one on ones with friends and the 360 views your kids will get when they attend summer camp.

Unplug your kids and find out how they can benefit. It’s an invaluable experience that allows them to develop the skills they need to become confident kids.

As hard as it is to send my boys off to camp each year, I know it’s the best thing for them. I’m the type of Mom who wants to be with them all summer long. I love re-living my childhood through their eyes. But summers away, teach them to believe in themselves. They gain more than just experiences, adventures and new best friends, summer camp instills positive behaviors that carry over into adulthood.



When my kids go to summer camp, they become more confident. Without my husband and I there to guide their every move, they make more decisions on their own and start to trust their own instincts. Camp is the perfect place for them to do this, in a safe environment that nurtures individual growth and development. When kids learn to make choices on their own, it gives them a sense of self worth and sets them up for success in the real world.



AC9U6411Camp is no different that it is at home or school. Things happen. You child didn’t get to be on the team he’d hoped, friends are acting unfairly, or your child didn’t get picked for a group project. That’s just how it is. At camp, my kids have had several issues like this but they’ve learned to accept that life isn’t always perfect. Knowing they must rely on their own problem solving skills helps them adapt and grow. I like to say, they’ve started discovering their own “know-how”. This allows them to be strong in difficult situations at camp and when they return home.



Your child isn’t going to like everyone at camp and not everyone is going to like your child. There are a lot of personalities to deal with. My sons have learned that no matter the differences they may have with others, they have to treat everyone like they want to be treated.  Learning how to be flexible and mindful of others feelings, promotes good working relationships among peers and adults. Learning tolerance and being accepting of others, are skills they’ve taken away from their stay, that go beyond just the summer.



AC9U6492Summer camp is all about encouraging kids to step outside their comfort zone and face their fears. This builds character. When you pair character with confidence and helping others, kids learn to become leaders. They thrive in an environment where they’re given the opportunity to help someone else learn something new and teach what maybe they learned the year before. My kids have become noticeably more self-confident and independent and come home with the attitude of wanting to help others.